Broś, K. & Krause, P. A., (2024). Stop lenition in Canary Islands Spanish – a motion capture study. Laboratory Phonology 15(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.16995/labphon.9934


Broś, K. (2023). Using social media as a source of analysable material in phonetics and phonology – lenition in Spanish. Linguistics Vanguard, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1515/lingvan-2021-0153.

Broś, K., Nazarov, A. (2023). Modelling opacity and variation in Gran Canarian Spanish apocope. Glossa: A journal of general linguistics.

Broś, K. (2023). Review of Christoph Gabriel, Randall Gess, and Trudel Meisenburg’s “Manual of Romance Phonetics and Phonology”. Phonology.

Broś, K. (2023). Acoustic cues to stress perception in Spanish – a mismatch negativity study. Proceedings of INTERSPEECH 2023.

Broś, K. (2023). Compensatory breathiness in Canary Islands Spanish – an acoustic study of vowels in /s/ weakening contexts. Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences.


Broś, K. Lenition in contemporary speech from Gran Canaria: two corpus case studies. Phonica 18, 60-85. https://doi.org/10.1344/phonica.2022.18.60-85.

Broś, K. El español canario: un reflejo del cambio lingüístico debilitante en el mundo hispanohablante. Romanica Cracoviensia 1, 73–88.


Broś, K., Żygis, M., Sikorski, A. and Jan Wołłejko.
Phonological contrasts and gradient effects in ongoing lenition in the Spanish of Gran Canaria. Phonology 38(1), 1-40. doi:10.1017/S0952675721000038

Broś, K., Meyer, M., Kliesch, M. i V. Dellwo (2021). Word stress processing integrates phonological abstraction with lexical access – An ERP studyJournal of Neurolinguistics 57, 100959. doi: 10.1016/j.jneuroling.2020.100959.


Broś, K. (2020). Domain modelling in OT: morphophonological cyclicity vs. stepwise prosodic parsing. Journal of Linguistics, 56(1), 3-43. doi:10.1017/S0022226719000082.


Broś, K. i K. Lipowska (2019). Gran Canarian Spanish non-continuant voicing: gradiency, sex differences and perception. Phonetica 76, 100–125. 


Spanish non-continuants at the phonology-phonetics interface. Isogloss. A journal on variation of Romance and Iberian languages 4(1): 1-27.

Contiguity in prosodic words - evidence from Spanish. Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 54(1): 37-82.

Phrase-level obstruent voicing in Polish: a Derivational OT account. W: B. Czaplicki, B. Łukaszewicz and M. Opalińska (eds.), Phonology, Fieldwork and Generalisations. 27-42. Berlin: Peter Lang.


Polityka zagraniczna i integracja europejska w uchwałach Sejmu w latach 1950-2014. Swoi - Inni - Obcy.  Łucja Biel, Karolina Broś, Anna Jopek-Bosiacka. W: Marek Czyżewski i in. (red.), Polskie sprawy 1945-2014. Warsztaty z analizy dyskursu. 225-259.

Some remarks on stress and reduction correlations in Spanish. Linguistica Copernicana 14:  223-246.

Hacia la desfonologización. El cambio lingüístico en el español de Gran Canaria. Itinerarios 25: 115-131.

Discourse Studies: ways and crossroads. Insights into cultural, diachronic and generic issues in the discipline. Red. Karolina Broś i Grzegorz Kowalski. Peter Lang. 


Stratum junctures and counterfeeding: Against the current formulation of cyclicity in Stratal OT.

W: Christopher Hammerly i Brandon Prickett (red.), Proceedings of the Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society. Volume 1. 157-170. GLSA Publications.

Between phonology and morphosyntax: voicing and spirantisation in the Spanish of Gran Canaria. W: Jolanta Szpyra-Kozlowska and Eugeniusz Cyran (red.), Phonology, its Faces and Interfaces. Series: Sounds – Meaning – Communication. 173-200. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.


Survival of the Fittest: Fricative Lenition in English and Spanish from the Perspective of Optimality Theory.
Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Percepción de acento y acortamiento vocálico en español.
 Itinerarios 22: 13-34.


Debilitamiento de la /s/ chilena como ejemplo de cambio lingüístico en marcha. 
W: Janusz Pawlik & Jerzy Szałek (red.), Lingüística española en Polonia: Líneas de investigación (2014). 35-44.
Studenci w dobie Internetu i skomputeryzowanego rynku pracy: jak dostosować studia translacyjne do zmieniających się realiów. 
Lingwistyka Stosowana 11: 13–32.


La aspiración y la pérdida de /s/ en el español de Chile como ejemplo de opacidad

Onomázein 28: 56-71 (DOI 10.7764/onomazein.28.13).


Chilean Spanish s weakening as an example of phonological opacity
In: Joanna Błaszczak, Bożena Rozwadowska & Wojciech Witkowski (eds), Generative Linguistics in Wrocław No. 2: Current Issues in Generative Linguistics: Syntax, Semantics, Phonology.  192-209.  
